Jersey Cape Bee Keepers Association

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Checked my hive today to see if the bees were using the food left on the inner cover. Been trying different things during February to try to make sure they have enough of food. On the upper left is my first attempt at making fondant. I think it was too thick and had trouble fitting it under the cover. On the right is the same fondant after using a rolling pin to flatten it more, Lower left is granulated sugar that was recommended at the last meeting. Doesn't appear that they are much interested in any of this. Anyone Else have any experiences?
Today there were about 10 dead bees inside entrance behind the mouse guard. I guess that is normal life cycle attrition.


  1. Ed, I have a hive that never went into a cluster, but are all hanging out on the inner cover. They have been eating raw sugar and pollen patties, and now fondant. My other two hives are still in cluster, and don;t appear to be eating anything that I give them, but as long as they're still alive, I can't complain.

  2. That encouraging to hear. Thanks for the input
